Sunday, January 31st
We're off to spend a few days with Sam and Sharon who have rented a condo this winter in Sandbridge. An easy drive landed us at the beach late afternoon followed shortly by Bill and Laurie. Let me just say, "The penthouse condo is absolutely stunning!"
After a slow start amicable to the Morgan's lifestyle, we took a walk south on the beach at the Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge. It was a lovely February day with temperatures in the high sixties! Our five mile stroll peaked our interest in food so we headed to a local restaurant (Margie and Rays) for lunch. The food was delightful. Hanging out at the condo the rest of the day, we found that certain members of our group had a sincere interest in completing puzzles.
Do we get maintenance hours for this? |
Sam had physical therapy this morning, an ongoing process this winter/spring following his arm surgery. The hope is that the nerves will slowly regenerate and give him full function in his right hand. We hope and pray it will! We met Sam and Sharon following his session at Trader Joe's, picked up lunch items and headed for a hike in First Landing State Park. The scene below is typical of the Bald Cypress Trail and....
the spot provided a great place for lunch and for turtles to warm in the sun!
Next stop was the Brock Environmental Center, the southern Bay office for the Chesapeake Bay Foundation. The building is on Pleasure House Point just inside the Lynnhaven River Inlet. It is "one of the most environmentally conscious buildings in the world and a model of sustainability"; built to Living Building standards. The building generates it own power, collects and recycles its own water and sewage....and functions completely off of the grid. We were lucky to have the Director as our tour guide and it was a wonderful learning experience. Do sign up for a tour if you are in the area....and join the Foundation to help Save the Bay! Following the tour we headed to Chicks Oyster Bar for a seafood dinner (excellent)!
And the puzzlers worked diligently!
Brock Environmental Center |
The Morgan's love the pacing of this group. Our first stop today was a glass blowing demonstration at the Chrysler Museum Glass TWELVE noon! Today was the first time for a new concept. A local artist (in this case one who is known for sidewalk drawings) is invited to attend a demonstration and practice his craft while the glass blower creates something related to his art. A glass "Walking House" was created during the demo based on the artist's drawings which highlight the link between climate change and rising sea levels.
We strolled across the street to the Museum proper following the demonstration, had a wonderful gourmet lunch in the Wisteria Café and spent several hours touring the exhibits. Do visit the Chrsyler if you're are in the area, it is FREE and has a wonderful collection of all types of art, including an extensive array of glass pieces!
Reflecting @Chrysler Museum
And the puzzlers became fervently focused!!
Sam and Sharon headed to PT this morning and the Bishops and Morgans headed to Nauticus, the maritime museum in Norfolk. Gretchen and I joined the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum in St. Michaels this summer and one of its membership benefits was reciprocal admission at Nauticus. Well, the admissions clerk did not know about this, and it took standing staunchly for 15 minutes while chatting with several museum officials before we gained free access! The highlight for us was the tour of the Battleship Wisconsin. Gretchen, Laurie and I had never been on a big ship before and it was fun to explore the cramped quarters below deck. Did you know that the shells fired from the big guns weigh the same as an old VW Beetle!
Rather than driving on a wet cold evening, we decided to try the Baja Restaurant across the street from the condo. The food is good and you can't beat the location.
And the puzzlers were smashingly successful!!!
We had a splendid week at the beach and truly thank Sam and Sharon for their generosity. It is a grand gesture inviting all of your friends to spend time with you at the beach this winter!