Monday 3/14
It is spring break for Audrey and Grandma and Grandpa are on our way to Hillsborough to pick her up to spend the week with us in Lynchburg.
We’re headed to hike the Blue Ridge Tunnel in Afton, but first we stopped to pick up coffee at Trager Brothers. The roaster happily explained to us the process of roasting coffee beans. When asked what she thought of the coffee shop, Audrey said “The smell is disgusting in there!”
Next, we stoped for lunch at the Blue Mountain Brewery. Audrey said she really liked her mac and cheese and french fries….although you couldn’t tell from the look on her face! 😊
We arrived at the trailhead and hiked up to the tunnel entrance. The tunnel was built in the 1850 by the Blue Ridge Railroad. It is 4,237 feet long and is quite dark in the middle. Note, you can just see the far end in the photo, just a dot of light!
Here is Audrey standing in front of a waterfall. With out our flashlights, you couldn’t see it!
We finally made it to the far end. It was really chilly in the tunnel.
That is ice Audrey is pointing to on the entrance wall!
Here are Audrey’s favorite photos she took in the cave!
The waterfall.
A crayfish she found in a puddle!
We hiked over four miles by the time we got back to the car!
We learned to play Apple to Apples this morning! Then we went to the Blackwater Creek Trail so Audrey could roller skate.
It didn’t take very long for Audrey to leave Grandpa and Grandma in the dust….very, very far behind her!
She is doing very well roller skating. Today she skated over two miles! She was so hungry, we had to take her to Cinn City to get a treat!

It’s St. Patrick’s Day and Audrey is wearing Aunt Jenny’s gifts! Today we are going to the Roanoke Science Museum.
Audrey had a good time playing with the exhibits. She loved the one showing how red blood cells travel through the body and…
she landed a capsule on the moon and…
she discovered how parachutes work and…
she built a house and…
she built with huge legos!
Back home we did play Apples to Apples!
Alas, it’s time for Audrey to go home. Grandma and Grandpa loved having you in Lynchburg this week. We love seeing how you change as you are growing up! Before lunch we played Apples to Apples and then headed to Mebane to drop Audrey off at her Dad’s house. Love you Audrey, hugs..hugs..hugs!!!