What a fantastic sailing day! Motored out of the marina at Windmill Point heading north to the Potomac. After rounding the point, I got the sails up and started to beat northward. A dark patch of water appeared on the horizon bearing a 12 knot breeze out of the NE. And since it was coming all the way from the Eastern Shore, it also brought 2-3 foot waves! I sailed north for an hour but didn't make the headway needed to get near the Potomac. So I turned around and had an exhilarating broad reach south to the Windmill Point spider and then up the Rappahannock. And here is proof I was strapped in Gretchen. ;)

The rest of the afternoon I sailed 11nm on a reach up the Rappahannock to the Corrotoman River on north shore. Total distance today was between 15-16nm.
I'm anchored with two other sailboats behind Sandy Point on the eastern branch near Bells Creek.

The great thing about anchoring out is the sounds of nature; birds singing and tweeting, fish jumping, geese honking, ducks really getting after each other (at least that is what it sounds like).
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
10 thumbs up for being strapped in! Yes, you look quite happy!