Kelley's conditions was deteriorating quickly and the doctors said they needed to do a c-section as soon as the 48 hour steroid treatment to mature the baby's lungs was complete. So at 5:00 p.m. on Sunday (August 28th), Kelley was wheeled to the operating room to deliver. Seth said the baby was born squealing and breathing on her own; a healthy, beautiful baby girl (Margaret Elizabeth Hill, 3lbs-6oz, 17 inches tall).

Rachel and Wes came to visit on Sunday and were present for the birth and we all got to see Maggie later in the evening!
Monday, the doctor in the NICU said Maggie was doing fine. The nurses indicated she was really feisty and actually big for a baby in their unit; the average baby weight is closer to 2 lbs! We all got to hold Maggie; a treat we did not expect!

By the time we left for home on Wednesday, Kelley and Maggie were doing fine, something pink was purchased and Aunt Katie was on her way to meet her niece. The doctors indicate it will probably be 4-6 weeks before Kelley and Seth can take Maggie home. Overall, we could not have hoped for a better outcome. A very serious medical issue was resolved with mom and daughter as healthy as could be expected! A tip of the hat to the McCleod Medical Center, a great facility with a wonderful staff!

What a great blessing grandchildren are! They renew life through their innocence, laughter, and discoveries! They remind you of things long forgotten from your children's childhood, and are just a treat to be around. And so Maggie, Grandma and I look forward to our times with you; holding you, reading to you, playing with you, giving presents to you, and most of all loving you!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
I got teary eyed reading this Dad! Kelley