
TOF Ride

David, Gary and I were back on the road as a threesome for the first time in two months due to travel schedules. David planned a 33 mile ride down Red House way to ease me back into the saddle; it was four weeks to the day since I rode 30+ miles due to vacation. The day was a normal hot humid central VA summer day, with nary a breath of air and heat radiating from the pavement on every hill! Twenty five miles into the ride, David taunted us at an intersection by pointing out the car less than a half mile down the road. I queried, "But we are not turning that way, correct?" "No indeed," he said as we turned right leaving the car fading in the shimmering heat waves rising off the pavement. Oh well, carpe diem! Eight miles and a few hills later we rounded the corner bringing the car into our vision once again, but this time we could stop and feel the air conditioning. Great ride to get back in shape for summer see we love the heat!

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