Sunday, September 25th
Off to Hillsborough to pick up Henry so we can spoil him on his fall break. It is obvious from the ride home, that Grandpa is going to have to download Pokémon Go to his iPhone!
This morning we went to see the Unity project at Randolph College. It portrays the fact that people of different colors, shapes, orientations, cultures and interests can weave a strong fabric IF they work together! And we found quite a few Pokémon stops!
Next we went to the recently installed labyrinth, a replica of a 13th century one at the cathedral in Chartres, France. We were surprised that Henry really liked walking around the maze.
A day at the lake. We put the Key West in the water and went to Henry's favorite restaurant for lunch...Moosie's. Why is that his favorite you ask? It's not the food, rather it's the chance to feed the carp after the meal!
Today we continued our tradition of going on bike rides with Henry. Today he was dressed in his new LIGHTNING bicycle shorts when we rode the Virginia Blue Ridge Rail Trail in Piney River. He rode 13.2 miles, 3.2 miles more than on his last ride with us! You're the man, Henry!
Kelley and Katie get together every year for some beach time and this year they invited us to join them. So today we are headed to Murrell's Inlet. We arrived in time to visit with Kelley, Seth and Maggie and to have dinner with them. Katie and Audrey will arrive later because they are traveling after Katie gets off of work. We're heading back to the campground so we will not see them until tomorrow.
We took the kids to Savannah's Playground at Market Common. It is a wonderful playground which is ADA-approved with equipment designed to provide children of all abilities the opportunity for social interaction. The kids loved it! After eating lunch at the playground, we headed to the military plane exhibit next to the airport. We had to search for Pokéman!
It was a perfect day at the beach. The kids loved playing in the sand and the waves were just right for the girls to ride...armed with their life jackets!
Plus there were opportunities at Huntington SP to capture Pokémon! Who is this dude, Henry?
The kids were dying to have a pajama party and sleep together. It appears from the photo the plan started well, but I'm told it only lasted about 10 minutes!
We went for a stroll on the boardwalk in Murrell's Inlet and of course, searched for some more Pokémon! After lunch, Katie, Henry and Audrey left for home.
We hung out with Kelley and Maggie this afternoon, visiting The Hammock Shop and several other local venues. After dinner, we said our good byes and headed back to the camper. We'll leave for home in the morning. We had a great beach visit and thank Seth and Kelley for their hospitality!
What did I like best during Henry's fall break? READING his books with him that had the CAPITAL letters!
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