
It's my party!

Four generations gathered for the party. The first in diapers, less than a year old, trying to master crawling. And might I add cute as he can be!

The second in their twenties and thirties, finishing their education, launching their careers and starting families.

The third in their.....well let's say the kids are grown and they are approaching or past retirement age.

And finally, the fourth, proclaiming, "It's my party, I'm 94 years old today! The party was in question earlier in the day as Peg went to the ER to check on a leg sore, a result of the complications that have developed since a fall a few weeks ago. But Peg was relieved when she was not admitted and her birthday party at Providence Place could take place as scheduled. It was a grand party with wine flowing, a delicious dinner and delightful desserts!

Peg, it is quite a milestone to reach your 94th year! I'll strive to follow in your footsteps. But if I don't make 94, there is something much more important that I (and the others attending your party) can do. Despite the hard times you lived through in your early life, you have always been a positive person who finds something good in all of the people you meet! If we all did that, the world would be a better place, and so.....I'll try to do that for as many years as I have left on this earth. It is a gift you have given me, and all of the other folks who attended your party! Thanks and God's grace be with you.