

Birthdays have always been a big event in our family. Some of us are accumulating too many too fast! But it is the early ones that are the most memorable. Gretchen and I remember Kelley's first birthday with all of us donning party hats in our apartment on Timberlake Road and Katie's first birthday with her wearing a Western Maryland College bib and face covered in spaghetti. In August, it was Audrey's turn as friends and family gathered to celebrate her first! It was a big day with Henry's graduation from the Little School in the morning followed by the party in the afternoon.

Unfortunately, the day for Henry was not so great. Shortly after our arrival, he vomited all over the living room. He had to forgo his graduation and stay upstairs during the party in case he had a virus. True to his nature, Henry didn't seem to mind since he got to watch Toy Story!

Remember a time when home made birthday cakes were passé and store bought ones a must? Or a Chunky Cheese party? Or the party at ....?


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