
Family Weekend

Friday, February  16

Katie, Audrey and Henry arrived in time for dinner with Sally coming shortly thereafter.  It was great to see Sally and catch up with what she has been doing.


It was quite a rainy day so outside activities were not in the offering.  Indoor games were the norm for the day!  Henry could not get enough Parchesi and Audrey spent a lot of time building a fort to sleep in! Sally brought Christmas presents and Henry’s chemistry lab was a big hit!

We made snow flakes that were warm, not cold!

In the afternoon, Sally, Katie and Audrey went to Apocalypse Brewery to get some local beers to take to N.C. for Katie’s Monday happy hour. The rest of us played more Parchesi while Gretchen made chicken pot pie for dinner. It was wonderful!


It was a beautiful morning so we walked to the playground.  Sally captured her first Pokémon, a cute little thing. What is it Henry?

The kids played and the family posed for a photo on the rope bars.

Thanks everyone for coming to Lynchburg. We had a great time.  Sally, we were really worried about you so it is so great to know you are doing well!  Please stay in touch.

Love to all.

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